
Sharon has set her expectations in writing so that all of us are singing from the same sheet music.


May 2018 – Expectations


  • Music – yes, learn it and enjoy
  • Choreo – yes
  • Shows/Performances & Contest – sign up and show up
  • Coaching – show up, learn, and enjoy
  • Attendance – yes
  • Trust & Attitude – yes & lots of sassitude


1.  I expect singers to print their sheet music, highlight their own part, read the lyrics, and then begin learning their part. 

2.  When I publish dates for being ‘off paper,’ I expect the members to strive to do just that.

3.  In addition to section duets, we will initiate double quartet singing in front of the chorus – this will be for all repertoire.  Those events will be announced ahead of time and I would expect everyone to participate.


1.  I expect members to attend choreo sessions (usually twice a year) for the fine tuning that takes place at a mirror studio

2.  I expect huge attendance when early choreo sessions are offered on Tuesdays.

3.  I expect members, who have to miss these, to review the videos provided and/or contact visual team members.

Shows, Performances & Contest:

1.  I expect every member to participate…isn’t that what rehearsals are for?  To present the skill and excellence achieved together in rehearsals to an audience is where we discover the height of our achievements so far (shows or contest).


  1. I expect the members to take advantage of the huge investment of their chorus dollars to gain education and training from amazing experts in our craft.  Hearing the information and sharing the coaching experience together creates a unity that’s hard to replicate. 
  2. I expect those, who have to miss coaching sessions, to contact their Song Leaders to catch up on skills learned.


1.  I expect 100% attendance…okay, okay

2.  When someone needs to miss, I expect to be emailed, texted, or contacted somehow in advance.  It matters when I’m planning rehearsals, when planning performances/staging.  I appreciate the respect and communication it gives me.

3.  Because dates are planned and posted as much as 2 years in advance, it’s my expectation that members will do their best to coordinate their own calendars to make sure they’re present for the team.  I think of each person and voice as if she’s the only one singing that part, so when she’s gone, there’s a hole in the music…period.

As a way of keeping this about our sisterhood, our team, each member could take time to reach out to someone who’s missing near her, an email or call with ‘hi, missed you last night…hope all is well’…What a great way to empower each other.

   Choreography and singing a cappella require precision and being in synch…not unlike a synchronized swimming team…you get in synch by practicing together.

   From this point forward and based on the consensus we shared, here’s what will work for me:

   A.  When someone is absent, I expect her to contact her Song Leader to find out what she’s missed AND cc me on the email. 

   B.  8 weeks (it’s been 6 until now) prior to competition:  riser placement (unless there’s a calendar conflict)

  C.  6 weeks (as we’ve been doing) prior to a show: riser placement

Attendance inside these two time frames is considered ‘mandatory’ AND, as always, I have the discretion about performance readiness.  The last 3 rehearsals are critical for group cohesiveness, synch, and fine tuning…COMMUNICATION with me, song leaders, visual team matter!

My expectation is that everyone should have the opportunity to work as a whole chorus unless there’s illness or something else unavoidable.   Communicate with me…working together is the key.

Important note:  I NEVER want someone to look at these guidelines/expectations, see that they have
to miss rehearsals, and immediately back out or quit…that would be awful.  COMMUNICATION is key.